Tatyana Gustafson

Tatyana GustafsonProfile Photo

Psych Nurse Practitioner

Tatyana Gustafson is a dedicated therapist and a leading figure in the field of ketamine-assisted therapy, working with Greater Austin Psychiatry and Wellness. With her expertise, a deep understanding of mental health, and her compassionate approach, she has helped many individuals find relief and healing through therapy. She continues to provide comprehensive care, combining evidence-based psychiatric treatment with ketamine therapy, and has become an advocate. Tatyana's commitment to her clients' well-being has given them hope and empowered countless individuals to discover newfound resilience and joy.

June 20, 2022

034 - Tatyana Gustafson on Ketamine Treatment for Depression, Anxiety…

Tatyana is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner on Faculty at UT Austin with the Psych Nurse Practitioner program. She also has a private practice where she treats mental health using a combination of meds and psychotherapy. She has recently added...

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